Friday, July 30, 2004
manual of the warrior of light
'it's just a storm in a teacup,' someone says to the warrior of light.
but he never exaggerates his difficulties and always tries to remain calm.
and he never judges someone else's suffering.
a small detail - which does not affect him in the least - could serve to ignite the storm brewing in his brother's soul. the warrior respects the suffering of others and does not try to compare it with his own.
the cup of suffering is not the same size for everyone.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
malgudi days
prologue; the writer desires to uphold that he is not a racist. not against any race, and he doesn't think he belongs to a superior race either.
it's my second job in retailing. the previous job was dealing wit shoes, in this new establishment, it's to do wit books. and just like my previous job, i encountered strange foreign customers which by their accent, one can tell their from India.
i would like to reiterate that i'm not against indians. i flew wit Air-India, enjoyed indian food from tandoori to poppadum. and i had my brief crushes for indian gals.
shoe shop scenario 1(most common scenario);
A: d'you have deez in my saiize?
me: and your size is..?
A: my saiiize!!! (by showing his foot. duh, as tho i know! how the hell they live their lives and not knowing their feet sizes?)
shoe shop scenario 2
B: d'you have deez in yeight?
me: yes sir we do. eight as in UK size or US? (alas, an indian man who knows the dimension of his foot!)
B: yeight... indian...
me: ?!?!?!
book shop scenario
C: where is ur books on sexology?
sexology? kamasutra? i'm sure we have them books, but not a category dedicated to sexology. hmm, psychology? new age? health? pondering pondering...
me: hold on sir, i'll check wit my senior(i called for my section chief who is more competent. seeing a female coming into our direction, C was furious)
C: u mean u dono!? it's ok then! (and he scarpered... buggered off)
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
out of inactivity
quite impressed wit myself for still knowing how to tie a tie, albeit leaving college five years ago. i couldn't remember the windsor knot, only the four-in-hand and half-windsor. that is good enough.. *clap clap*
'this is the serious fiction section....' 'this is the social science area...' this is where you can find feng shui books, u need to know Lilian Too...' 'anyone looking for Shakespeare, direct them here...' 'this shelve is dedicated to Freud and Jung...' 'the philosophy section is categorised chronologically, from ancient greeks like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle right up to existentialism like Sartre and Camus...' 'this is the military area, ranging from ninjas to SAS...'
first day at work is a blast! i'm gonna love it, love it, love it!!! love to delve into every nook and cranny.
Monday, July 26, 2004
i threw my heart to the winds
Although the road is never ending,
take a step back and keep walking,
do not look fearfully into the distance.
On this path let the heart be your guide
for the body is hesitant and full of fear.
- Rumi
dedicated to my; immaculate indifference, fluttering angel, divine blindspot and the dark from the abyss...
Friday, July 23, 2004
seven Samartian knights were conscripted by the Roman army for a hazarduos duty along Desaru
'An' a beach! a long. long beach o' glistening white sand, sand so white it hurts your eyes. Sand so fine ye cannae feel the grains ... sand like talcum powder ... wi' an ocean o' turquoise blue lapping upon it...' jessie, in 'high society'
rite, i shall stop my bamboozlement cos pictures speak a thousand words.

seven knights, including me

played wit tits

and beach 'castaway' volleyball

the 'boys' in the knights being unleashed

including the 'boy' in me

faiz and azhar taming a wild jet-ski

and they succeeded

not satisfied wit the beach, headed for kota tinggi...
and they lived happily ever after
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
JPG unleash
when across the border today. sent my bike for full servicing. i just love my personal mechanic. he's workmanship is marvellous. the only drawback is he is extremely meticulous. a visit can easily last four to five hours, that is the minimum. he's workshop is not near the causeway. it's located in a faraway, peaceful, sleepy town, a superb place to watch the time passes by.
leaving my bike to his good hands, i headed for lunch. smoked a couple of fags, and watched girls in school uniform making their way home. went back to his workshop, laze on the stool, read my book, scanned through utusan malaysia, and learnt a bit of mandarin from his children; a boy and a girl not more than six years old. and the other units of time was spent talking shite wit my mechanic. did a bit of catching up, but it's the same old story anyway.
having exploited the currency exchange, i left feeling satisfied to have purchased the service, and did some commodity trading; tobacco and petrol. if u say i wasted my five hours abroad, i would say time could not buy those things.
as i entered my room, there was a pleasant, familiar smell... my jpg bottle broke. nah, i'm not pissed. only a bit left, and for the broken bottle, i have a couple of expended ones from previous usage. my room now exudes an intoxicating whiff, which i wish i can share wit u people. it had embellished my room which had just been done up last weekend. my room is now messy-clean. how shall i put it, it's messy at the rite places but overall spotlessly clean. and i hung up a soviet flag on the wall. it was given by my ex when she visited vietnam. had been in my wardrobe for ages cos i didn't know wat to do wit it. maybe i should hang the motherland flag outside my flat on 9th august eh?

Gaultier's provocative and original fragrance is a blend of lavender, orange blossom, cinnamon, musk, and vanilla.

Monday, July 19, 2004
conscience: the part of the superego in psychoanalysis that transmits commands and admonitions to the ego(webster dictionary)
after my last visit to NUH, i went to good old 'lim ah boy'. got myself a brand new helmet. glossy black, matches any colour.
"why don't u get metallic red, to match ur bike?" mum commented when i reached home.
"god, WHY NOT?!" said my conscience.... "Damn!!!"
headed to peninsula plaza from NUH;
1. bought 2 guitar strings. 2 cos wat if one snapped again?
2. shorten my jeans, 2 pairs of. and did alterations to my East India dress pants which is way too baggy. never wore it since i bought. huh, bought on impulse 2 years ago. i just realised that u can't remove the pleats on ur pants to make it flat front. so, get it rite when u bought them. i'm short; baggy, folded at the bottom, pleats, will accentuate my lack of height.
3. bought a $10 t-shirt. those 2 colours type, the sleeves different from the body, always wanted those, and for ten quids, *wow*
4. marketing research for nikon coolpix 3200. randomnly asked around various shops. most shops selling at $450. one selling for $399. the best, $377. i told him i'd no money, and made my way for the exit...
shopman no. 1: "boy, $320..."
there i was, stopped in my tracks, this man creating havoc in my already warped train of thoughts. how did he know i lied that i didn't have the money?
my conscience: get out.... get out.... u are going to desaru.... u need the money....
shopman no. 2: no point ah, he got no money...
my conscience: get out, we will come back when the time is opportune....
smsed one of my close gal fren, who's working in a nearby bank;
"having u for lunch. meet at normal place."
zoomed to jalan pisang, hajah maimunah (nasi padang)
"Oi, bawak pelan sikit ah. baju aku ternaik nampak coli, pakai ferring buat apa?!"
Saturday, July 17, 2004
o-ow, whatever makes u happy, on a saturday nite...
i have six spare guitar strings;
1st string - a couple of
2nd, 4th, 5th & 6th- 1 each
3rd string - none
and it's my 3rd string which snapped off today, BLIMEY!!! and i'm too lazy to go and get replacement. staying at home is not that bad. my brother came wit his baby(my first and only nephew).

this is taken some time back, he's much bigger now, stronger, bald, and looks like winston churchill. in times like this i wish i have a panasonic lumix or nikon coolpix to capture the fleeting moments
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
rujuk kembali... hairan bin ajaib
lokasi: arab st. (Cafe Le Caire )
waktu: kira kira jam sembilan malam
watak-watak: lima teruna
tema: bahasa melayu yang dicampur dengan bahasa penjajah.
"maccow! dekni main play cheat siak!"
A:"eh, kau muat tak baju tu?"
B:"entah, nanti aku cuba try..."
mengapakah perkataan main diulangi dengan play? dan cuba diulangi pula dengan try? adakah ini memperbaiki perkataan tersebut? anda dipersilakan memberi pendapat anda yang bernas lagi jitu. forum ini dilakasanakan agar dapat mengikis kemusykhilan saya dan rakan-rakan. semoga usaha kita berbaloi.
yang benar,

main catur?
Sunday, July 11, 2004
getting any, anyone?
conversation wit my mate after going to a chalet, packed wit lovey dovey couples
mate: i miss having that someone in my life
me: tell me about it. i miss it too
mate: but why do we long for something like that? it's gonna be the same thing. wat's after that?!
me: mate, we are not getting any younger...
mate: we are not getting ANY, damn it! WE ARE NOT GETTING ANY... FULL STOP
Saturday, July 10, 2004
attached men exude charm, more charm
morning sms correspondence wit a fren from the other planet(venus)
fren: need ur opinion. wassup wiv guys n looking at otha gals? b it on d streets, pix on d net, werk place. isit harmless?
me: harmless. inherent since adam
(addenda; ok ok, clandestine surreptitious look is ok, but staring and gawking is psychological and emotional aggression)
fren: but wat do u guys do? juz look? dats it? even if d guy is attach/married?
me: even if the gal is married! just appreciating aesthetics
fren: wat bout if he make remarks bout her. only to his guy frens like "thers one babe in my ofis.. blah blah" harmless too?
me: YES!
fren: wow. thanx master. :)
me: most attached men will not make the first move. unless invited from the other party. they are opportunity takers, not opportunity seekers
fren: so it still boils down dat men can't b trusted. hmm.
(addenda: trust no one)
wait! i think this is really true. i think i was much more coveted when i was attached... gosh!
hmmm... are attached men such challenge to them gals??
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
selling my body to science
there are two types of blood that comes out from your body.
bright red; occured when u suffered a minor abrasion. lacerations. oozing out
dark red; when one of your veins is broken. copiously, shooting out.
well, it's the dark red blood that i had lost in the past two days. a canullar is intravenously inserted in my arms. it's like a tap, a one inch rubber tube was in my veins, and a plastic thingy to stop the outflow. every few hours, the nurses will drain out my blood. the canullar looks gross but it's better than being pricked every few hours.
i slept most of the time, due to lack of sleep during the weekend. and i completed reading two books.
would like to thank my mates for getting me the persian poetry on my bday. i never had the mood to read the poems till i was warded. and i had a great time reading them.
rumi's terms & symbolism (the ones i like)
Beloved, Friend, King; terms used by Rumi referring to God
garden; an inner space, depicting the outward beauty of nature and the inward beauty of spirit
moon; symbol of the heart of the mystic
nightingale; symbol of the soul's longing
killing; severing the attachment to the ego
the two worlds; not two separate worlds but two aspects of a continuous process. the world of matter is at one end of the spectrum while the essence, invisible to the eye, is at the other end.

two thumbs up!
Sunday, July 04, 2004
CODE: 5119
Dudes! i'm warded in this freezing NUH/NUS. NOPE, no accident nor any mishaps. self-admitted to be a "guinea pig". tomorrow i'll be dosed with anti-depressants.
putting myself at risk? it's for money man! money don't come without risks. but of course i always take calculated risk.
it's not bad here, really. internet access, vcds, magazines, food galore.
but i'm pretty knackered now. gonna retire to bed(at least there's air-con here, unlike home), n read 'five people you meet in heaven', which i just got from the library. i reserved the book FOUR-BLARDY-MONTHS ago!
gonna wake up to watch portugal vs greece later.
early morning conversation of 2 modern classic writers, or at least not yet..
two modern classic writers 3 am...smoke-filled room
sound of goo goo dolls's iris at the background. riz's taking a blast on his fag. usword jus played audioslave's "like a stone". usword really wana write something, but nothing's really coming along...riz has jus kiwied (?) his soccer boots...(?!) buang suey...hasnt scored since he bought the new pair of adidas...
riz: this damn boots! so much for kangaroo skin. yeah, mate... u shouldn't feel compelled to write... at least modern classic writers don't... just free your mind... too many minds...
usword: think ur boots werent made for scoring...maybe for leapin, getit?! anyways, we ARE not modern classic writers!! wat in tha name of divine carnage is modern classic neway?!
riz: yah! think of it, no prominent player has ever been spotted wearing my boots aight? only official FIFA referees... they leap a lot don't they? hmm, modern classics are writers of this era, but definitely will last for eternity. ok, let's switch. why not imagine we are rod and glenn of class95, entertaining listeners on the morning show? so, what's the next song, usword?
usword: next song...evanescence's my immortal...dun want to be rod and glenn tho, no offence to the two..think they are funny and all,jus not in the mood arh...ngerti?
riz: "suppressed by all of my childish fears..."yeah, that's a good song. which one u prefer, the band version or the orchestra version? ia para permisar, usah khuathir, gak ada lagu techno atau hip hop pada pagi ini... ia, easy listening...
usword: easy listening's the its lost in space by lighthouse family. dun mind whether the band or orchestra version arh...
riz looking at his boots, "wah, smashin!"
riz: hey, it's glossy black u know? even better than fresh from the shop! so, wat's the topic for today's show? we have two footie games later, have u enuff fluids to last? or sleep?
usword: bloody hell...didnt i jus said i DUN bloody want to be the 2 jabronees?! fluids, sleep...can always be on the dole now, arent i?u choose the next song larh...
riz: franz ferdinand's take me out it is... hey, ok ok, not playing deejays eh? so, wat is ur current work about?... is it a probable bookerprize or pulitzer award winner? anyway, fluids takes time to digest, u need plenty of it hours before a game.
usword: work huh?...rhymes with stark, lark and duck...go figure arh...(ooh, and its a four-letter word)...
riz: get it! i can't remember wat work u are good at? (fiddling wit the records, yeah it's gonna be sing for absolution by muse) no wonder your works are always doom to fail. at least i have a one hit wonder - "why is pee-ing pleasing, but shitting shitty?"
usword: haha...this modern classic crap is full of detritus!
ok mates, last song to conclude the morning, before we hand over the shift to the next deejay. enjoy this song by maroon 5 - harder to breathe...
riz: pray i'll score tomorrow, whoever u are praying to, zeus, hanuman, kali, christ, allah...
usword: nauzubillah hi min, arent we supposed to be writers...why we still being wannabe djs...?!
Thursday, July 01, 2004
what tears we shed as we embraced...
time to say goodbye to my italian counterpart, whom had spent an eventful year with me.
women mite not understand why men are so emotionally attached to their machines. well, this is wat i'd heard from a discussion on radio; women drive a vehicle, men will become part of it.

my motocicletta was previously owned by babbo(dad). it had served my famiglia for 21 years. today, i am exchanging motociclette with my fratello di anziano(elder brother). at least it is still within la famiglia, pheww!
stay out of harm's way, mio amico

il piaggio posa