Saturday, January 29, 2005

the line of beauty

just finished a book!! for the loooongest time. figuring out wat took me so long. is the book not engaging, or is it me who have no time, or inexplicably lost zeal?

funny, read more books before i worked in a bookstore. now that i have quit, i can't seem to stop reading. more leisure times, perhaps.

but the next big problem, financial gearing is running low.


high maintenance?; guilty as charged

Sunday, January 23, 2005


never ask me a question, which the truth you already know.

"A 'No' uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble."
- Mohandas K. Gandhi

Saturday, January 22, 2005

su-sak krab

the world is a jigsaw puzzle
somewhere in the world, there's a fit for you.
a place where your puzzle piece belongs
don fit, you say?
then, make it so

when rain dries, clouds form
when clouds moisten, rain forms

Thursday, January 20, 2005

daddy's license

with his driving license dad started his career.
a humble career; a chauffer.
with his driving license he married mom.
with his driving license he raised four sons.

with his driving license he couldn't get a new job.
20 years later; his employer gone bankrupt
with his driving license he got a new job.
with his driving license he got promoted.

congrats dad! i admire you for your sincerity and the way you face the difficult world in a simple way. too simple that it consumed you at times. sorry for i used to be angry at you. maybe i am the simple-minded one.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


it's always easier to write when u are sad.
words will flow in abundance.
its been quite a while since i wrote.
what's there to write about happiness?


in the mean time. one sunday... far... far... away...

exhibit A (archers of Kallang Castle)

exhibit B (hoplites in Thracian helmets)

exhibit C (waiting for the gladiators)

exhibit D (and it's in!!!)

exhibit E (and another!)

exhibit F (better luck next time...)

exhibits courtesy of xaiful.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

live from krabi, thailand

Hello rizal
Thank you for message you send to me last time now everything at here okay have only somewhere have promblem.whne tsunami come at here very good weather have sun in the seea very quiet and then have big wave come everybody not belive because nobody see before and then do you know the people lose everyhting in phi phi lose many people die everything in the sea and near the sea lose. now at here nobody want to come here everybody scare big wave.I tell you again later if you see the new same same but diffirent something you can belive something you can thinikg before you belive.
take care
see you again next time

Bow Down Mister - Jesus Loves You