Tuesday, July 06, 2004

selling my body to science

there are two types of blood that comes out from your body.

bright red; occured when u suffered a minor abrasion. lacerations. oozing out

dark red; when one of your veins is broken. copiously, shooting out.

well, it's the dark red blood that i had lost in the past two days. a canullar is intravenously inserted in my arms. it's like a tap, a one inch rubber tube was in my veins, and a plastic thingy to stop the outflow. every few hours, the nurses will drain out my blood. the canullar looks gross but it's better than being pricked every few hours.

i slept most of the time, due to lack of sleep during the weekend. and i completed reading two books.

would like to thank my mates for getting me the persian poetry on my bday. i never had the mood to read the poems till i was warded. and i had a great time reading them.

rumi's terms & symbolism (the ones i like)

Beloved, Friend, King; terms used by Rumi referring to God

garden; an inner space, depicting the outward beauty of nature and the inward beauty of spirit

moon; symbol of the heart of the mystic

nightingale; symbol of the soul's longing

killing; severing the attachment to the ego

the two worlds; not two separate worlds but two aspects of a continuous process. the world of matter is at one end of the spectrum while the essence, invisible to the eye, is at the other end.

two thumbs up!


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