Tuesday, December 20, 2005


smashin birthday week! with family, frens and colleagues. cakes and cakes and wishes. ...."i wish for happy years ahead, and god avoid me from harm's way" *blows the candles*.... but search concert is postponed, yet again! blimey!

she made me something special, and get me a book i always wanted to read. she said she wants me to read something that she really like.

took 1 day leave, times like this lends itself to good books and movies. rarely had the time for them now. and my parents suddenly travels a lot. like paying for all the loss time.

specimen a

specimen b

specimen c

specimen d

specimen e

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

bitches and cream

i so not understand office politics.

i am not complaining. in fact, it makes me laugh.

for christ's sake, what the point of;

- shooting down ur own colleagues, who came in same time as you? do they think people will see them as better off than the other? if you're that good, guide along then. is competition really so tough?

- pushing away shitty stuffs to others. that's not the end. then chasing the person who is doing the shit to hurry up, so the credit will go to you eventually.

funny how some people are. but of course this is everywhere, even teachers and lawyers do it. its human nature. so just laugh, and say to yourself, 'what an idiot?'

on a separate note, i'm still in my dreamland, the spending power makes me want to enhance my sartorial elegance, or the lack of it. time to hold my horses on springfield. raoul and zara seems worth a try.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


...from merriam-webster dictionary

Main Entry: in·debt·ed
Pronunciation: in-'de-t&d
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English indetted, from Old French endeté, past participle of endeter to involve in debt, from en- + dete debt
1 : owing gratitude or recognition to another : BEHOLDEN
2 : owing money

with reference to the above definitions, i believe all humans are indebted. i am indebted, always indebted, be it with gratitude or money. i am being indebted (gratitude) especially those who have hurt me, be it intentionally or not. they are my fuel. fuel which burns ardently, with fervour... incandescence...

being indepted doesn't have to make one inept.

it takes all kind of people to make the world go round.

Bow Down Mister - Jesus Loves You