Tuesday, December 13, 2005

bitches and cream

i so not understand office politics.

i am not complaining. in fact, it makes me laugh.

for christ's sake, what the point of;

- shooting down ur own colleagues, who came in same time as you? do they think people will see them as better off than the other? if you're that good, guide along then. is competition really so tough?

- pushing away shitty stuffs to others. that's not the end. then chasing the person who is doing the shit to hurry up, so the credit will go to you eventually.

funny how some people are. but of course this is everywhere, even teachers and lawyers do it. its human nature. so just laugh, and say to yourself, 'what an idiot?'

on a separate note, i'm still in my dreamland, the spending power makes me want to enhance my sartorial elegance, or the lack of it. time to hold my horses on springfield. raoul and zara seems worth a try.


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