play hard to get, then hard to keep
this is the sentence that i will remember from a self-help career book. not just jumping and accepting at any offers that comes along, although i know how difficult it is for some, especially when you have no reply from so many job applications. but i'm keeping to this philosophy. which is why i rejected the first offer that came, cause i'm choosy.
my exams ended a couple of months ago. i tot i will have no more examination, at least for now. but the past week, i had done 4 tests.
-written test
-voice test
-computer test
-typing test
i managed to see the results of my written test, and am glad that i aced it. end of the day, she say i did very well. today is confirmation day. so i'll just wait.
as i am typing this early morning entry, i am preparing for another 2 hours aptitude test, for another organization, for the position of air traffic controller officer. another voice test. thank god i'm not having sore throat or anything.
after this aptitude test, i'm supposed to be admitted to SGH, for another study. for those who don't know my "main darah" tendencies, i think i have contributed scientifically to the society many a times by being a "guinea pig" (but i'm not beebop, nor rocksteady).
my contributions;
-diabetic pills
-anti-depression pills
-high-blood pressure
3, holy trinity. being successful in either one will forgo another. well its like this, if dbs accept me, i have to withdraw from pfizer study, if CAAS accept me, i have to withdraw from DBS. but nothing is confirmes as of now. all 3 might reject me instead. i hope things will fall to places quickly, so i can ride up to cherating peacefully.
cheers, break a leg!