today i swipe my visa again. i can't stop! swipe swipe swipe. the more i swipe, the more points accumulated on my visa. then can redeem shopping vouchers. yay!

dress shoe swiped today, picked by sweet
i headed to work with a new mentality today. after doing some reflections on the weekend, i decided to give myself a kick on the butt. i can't be whining. yes, its pressurising. but i tell myself that i am an officer. not some data entry staff. so, there. and i left work feeling like never before since i started.
wah.. dah swipe swipe seh.. hehe. Nanti next time kau boleh treat kite makan lah macam tu.. ;)
wahahaha...picked by sweet kaper??
mentang2 dah jadi mat HSBC,main swipe je eh.
nice shoes.. pandai ur sweet pilih yah.. btw, where did u get it? need ur good recommendations for these type of shoes oso lah...
faiz> bukan aku sorang yang da keje per, yg lain pun leh blanja. haha
rad> i got it from kenneth cole, yah rite, i wish. from americaya la. got nice ladies shoes too.
when i read KENNETH COLE.. i almost choked u noe! but im sure that one fine day, we all can get sumthin from there.. hehehe..
to Azza, takkan lah i nak beli kasut macam rizal.. kalau i pakai, CONPERM first day dah kena buang kerja. Im just looking around lah.. and i also do have guy frens who need that kind of shoes. :)
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