Monday, February 25, 2008

Memory Lane

Been reading up on photography books borrowed from Library. Now keen on applying new techniques and theories. Enticed to get either a telephoto lens or wide lens too. Where should I go for my next phototaking session?... Perhaps Japanese Cemetary would be nice.

Heh, during the weekend, we got "certified" to get married. Feels like a diamond *lol*. In other words, we have obtained our 'Wedding Preparation Course' certificate. Its a useful and engaging course. Going back to the En Naeem Mosque is like walking down memory lane. That was the mosqueI attended kindergarten.

Me & Brother (the sun was too glaring)

Class photo

Oh, I would like to thank my colleagues for giving my Times voucher for my birthday. I finally utilised the voucher to buy Bourdain's book.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I feel good after clearing up my room during the Christmas break. I get to throw many unwanted stuffs, find several lost items, and donate unwanted clothes.

Its an un-cluttering process...


I like the look of these actors' faces. So "man". No Orlando, Jude or Johnny....

Clive Owen

Eric Bana

Daniel Craig

Bow Down Mister - Jesus Loves You