Sunday, March 27, 2005
i am not a halfway house, especially for parasites.
yes i don't understand, i am tired of understanding when no one bother to understand me.
call me bitter, but some call me joy.
i decided to give up rushdie's ground beneath her feet.(any of you completed any of his stuffs?) not a bad decision cos i managed to read two more books since then. neil gaiman's stardust (my first fantasy book since enid blyton's) and coetze's disgrace. borrowed two more from favourite library yesterday. haruki murakami's norwegian wood and graham greene's the end of the affair. nabokov's lolita is not available. *sigh*
will make sure i don't forget to bring the books to hospital tomorrow, or i'll be a restless spirit roaming around haunting patients and nurses in SGH.
Friday, March 25, 2005
tongue check
if one always wants to have the last say, i choose to remain silent.
i don need one's 100% sound advice, when 99% is sound, 1% advice
they say the tongue is sharper than the sword
pretty fishing
'you look pretty today...'
'say that again,' she said, alway fishing for compliments, especially from him, who rarely gives it.
'i think its the lighting...'
Saturday, March 19, 2005
sagi sagi strawberry
-Getting to the heart of the matter
-Laws and meanings
-The general "feel" of things
-Off the wall theories
-Being tied down domestically
-Being constrained
-Cooling your heels
-Being bothered with details
from askmen.
bual kosong
dia: kenaper kau macam penat jer? buat kerja kan?
aku: taklah... dia kerja dengan aku, mcm mana pulak aku yang penat?
dia: oh... kerjasama?
Friday, March 18, 2005
when i am tired of studying... my mind will have cravings and dreams of its own...
1) i want to go for mud bath
2) go for facial
3) go for a caffeine binge
4) shop for new tops, jeans, pants, sneakers etc
but of course these thoughts will remain futile. the most i can afford to do is to have a blast on my fag...
Sunday, March 13, 2005
man often thinks of various reasons why he cannot do a certain thing. when all he need is one reason to see why he can do it.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Friday, March 11, 2005
in which we learnt she dugged her own grave
being single, u're either half-empty, or half-filled. depends on how u look at it. there are pros and cons to everything in this world.
*chuuuck* *chuuuuk*
i could only see her silhouette. i encroached nearer. it was dark, but also bright. dark because it was night, bright because of the full moon.
she was digging the earth. she was already waistline deep, digging her own grave.
"what are you doing? why are you doing this?"
she kept digging, tears rolled down her cheeks. she knew she could stop but she kept digging.
"help me..." she said.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
quote of the day
inspired by s.b.
"People need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want. We are afraid of losing what we have whether it's our life, our possessions, or our property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same Hand." - P. Coelho, The Alchemist
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Your Seduction Style: The Charmer |
![]() You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement. You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you. By establishing this deep connection quickly, people feel under your power. And then you've got them exactly where you want them! |
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
1)if u love this link; damien rice.
,and 2)you're pretty, 3)single. you can love me too
why i like 'closer';
-issues of strange familiarity e.g; having sex with your previous partner
-peppered with realistic paradoxes e.g; how sex can be both pleasureable and yet, painful.
-great visuals and sound e.g; how the music is parallel to the motions, so fitting, flawless... moves you into it.
-script, witty e.g; "Have you ever seen a human heart? it looks like a fist wrapped in blood."
"closer concerns itself with the fact that, in love, we remember beginnings and endings and tend to edit out the middles. it asks interesting questions like 'how do we really remember things and how does life really look to us?" - Director Mike Nichols
The playwright describes Closer as a 'love story'. "it's about other things of course - sexual jealousy, the male gaze, the lies we tell ourselves and those we are most intimate with, the ways in which people find themselves through using others. but in the end, it's a nice simple love story. and as with most love stories, things go wrong..."