a rush of blood to the head
had a skull x-ray. pain from fall, a week ago, have not subsided. if it don't get better by next week, the brain specialist will have to execute a brain scan.
the doctor gave me an interesting explanation about the brain. he even drew the skull and the brain, to explain to me graphically. but sorry doc, i wish the pain wasn't there, for nothin much register in my warped brains.
for those who are wandering, that explains my lack of words in my previous posts, my short, or curt, sms replies.
one of the symptoms for post-concussion; confusion and irritability

kappow!!!... yowza!!
hehe. guess i'm one who is irritatingly stubborn. doc gave me 3 days mc. but i went to school. didn't go work but took the opportunity to mit up frens. and still reachin home late. my parents gave up on me.
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