Monday, August 23, 2004

perplex I

god invented the forbidden fruit, and of all places, in heaven? is it for the devil to entice eve, so that eve can entice adam? and for them to be banished to earth, and his whole generation suffer?

or do we exist from the neanderthal?


"what happened to the old simple you?" she said,
"you have become a stubborn, self-centered male chauvinist pig."
"hey hey hey, who are you to say all these to me?! of all people, u?!"

"i've known you long" she justified

"but there has been absence...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God created man. and gave him happiness. call it eden or paridise, call it heaven or what you will, man in his curiosity asked what esle is there, and began his long path of stumbling though the dark. he has but to turn around and see where he came from. to see the blinding light, lighting all the objects he pained to stumble over. Man has seen that light and most say why why do you God spite me light the way in front of me, and God replies with "I know you dont want to go that way, i Light the path you really want to take." and most of men are angred that god could tell them what to do so they move farther and farther from eden, from heaven, from happiness. Yes he invted the forbidden fruit, but it was mans choice to eat it. It our choice to continue on our own or go back to him as well. Its always been our choice.

August 30, 2004 1:19 pm  
Blogger fizzee said...

Haha, wish such wise words spoken above were mine. Anyway, can't agree more though. WE had this argument before. Yes, yes, you blamed eve for offering the apple. I blamed adam for the lack of brain (a.k.a apple??) juice. U still insisted it was eve's fault. Would it have mattered now anyway? I took the same bite from the apple too right?

So what happens now? Are we forever lost? I discovered worms and maggots crawling in that shiny new Armani Exchange clad roses sprouting apple. Damn. *uck (ironically the best used word here). Damned by the Almighty for the wrong choice and lost forever 2 wander in the lost forest. So foggy do blurred this forest. I JUST WANNA GET OUT!!!

Searching looking finding groping smelling seeking. Alamak. Not getting anywhere near leh.

GETTING FRUSTRATED. GETTING ANGRY. How blashemous! To be angry at the one above. This was MY doing. MY choice. MY consequence to swallow.

Retribution hurts. If you believe that is.

Its so much easier to join the crowd. To not believe. To take it the easy way. Such a nice straight road pathed with gold n gems n riches.


There she goes again. Inately rambling about crazy things in her brain. Wasting time. Then gila arealdy get angry for no reason. Self destruct mode.

Have you finished your laundry yet? Let's go shopping again.


September 02, 2004 5:03 pm  
Blogger el-conquistador said...

that armani-exhange-clad-fuck must had use the potion from "tristan and isolde".

go do ur laundry and ur dishes, which i suspect have been piling up for weeks!

September 03, 2004 1:09 am  

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