after a futile search for my wallet...
friendly chinese man: i found this wallet. i think it's yours. it's drenched though
me: thanks yah, i really appreciate that.
equiptment check:
visa > +ve
ID > +ve
driving licensce > +ve
$10 > -ve
20cts > -ve
cashcard > +ve
ATM cards > -ve 1, +ve 2
mum: kau ni, careless!
she snatched my wallet and removed all the contents to dry. even sedulously hidden things that i didn't remember e.g a pic of nadya hutagalung
mum: NI APER NIE?!?!

ali*:zal, wallet aku tertinggal kat rumah kau ah. pass kat mak kau bleh? nanti kat kerja aku amek. (ali, my fren, is mum's colleague)
me: orite, no problem
ali: zal! dalam ader 'sarung' ah. kau simpan kan, paisey ah.
me: ok go
*not real name, paisey ah konon
me: mak, ni ali punya ah...
dad: kau ni, jangan tuduh kawan kau. macam maner Ali punya bleh ader kat dalam beg duit kau?
moral of the story; tolong member tolak balak, jangan sampai ditimpa balak.
ALI:Well I am the main actor of this "XCITA"ing topic.Actually my real name is Ali Setan...
Its really hillarious.I laughed ol the way from the start to the end of our conversation.He kept repeating "tlg members tolak balak,diri sendiri ditimpa balak." I cant help coz even his dad sided me..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Zal ni aku nak balas pantun kau:
Tlg members tolak balak,
Jgn sampai ditimpa balak,
Walaupun kesian members "dijitak",
Tak leh thn dok,gelak terbahakbahak...
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