Monday, November 22, 2004

requiem for adolescence

dear self,

brave new world, corporate world and the likes, and you will have to make life changing decisions. experience is the best teacher.

appreciate and savour every bit. whoever, whatever, whenever.

worrying and whining will not get you far, if it brings u anywhere in the first place.

listen to the voice inside you; opinions will come, relentless. do not shove them off, but do not take them, without listening to your own voice. thank those who care.

keep your words soft and tender, for u may have to eat them one day. speak only if must. communication is critical, failures are due to communication, or the lack thereof.

one moment of folly can change your destiny.

the world do not owe you a living, vice versa. u will reap wat u sow. that's the relationship betwixt u and the world.

the world is not always fair. sometimes its ok to be selfish, sometimes u have to be harsh to be nice. sometimes u must say no.

take care of yourself when i am gone.

faithfully departed,


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